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The Dragon's Brain

The Dragon's Brain

The Dragon's Brain

Author: Dr. Gerold Yonas
ISBN: 9781951122959 (paperback)
ISBN: 9781951122006 (ebook)
Publication Date: October 22, 2024
Price: $16.95
Pages: TBD

At the American research lab known as the birthplace of nuclear weapons, a scientific breakthrough sparks a mysterious disease. Devoted to his belief in the power of science, renowned physicist Dr. Alek Spray and his team scramble for a solution to this bizarre neurological pandemic. Unfortunately, the 'cure' they engineer could prove deadly in the wrong hands. As Alek battles a Chinese crime syndicate bent on world domination, he realizes that the ambiguous nature of scientific advancement holds the promise of both good and evil depending on its use. Now the woman he loves is in danger and the unintended consequences and misuse of Alek's inventions could forever alter the course of humanity. Alek and his colleagues must find the solution before it's too late.



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